Swimming pool learning easier and more fun
Healthy, Smart, Fun, Sunnah...!.!
Smart Swimming School. Privat Swimming Healthy Smart Fun.. Alhamdulillah already have branches in Jakarta and its surrounding areas.
"Teach your son to swim.". That's the yg recommended Prophet. There are many secrets
behind the swimming pool sports. ..
WELL ...!!! For beginners who want to learn to swim, Smart Swimming School provides the instructor an experienced private tutoring for areas of Jakarta and its surrounding areas..
We provide an effective swim training program, practical, easy to learn and the righttechniques in order to realize the goals and desires of each student trainer, bothchildren and adults, with a maximum service to help and teach you to could be in the water (swim) in a safe and comfortable.
General Information
The school swimming pool that is unique, creative, innovative for beginners (nonachievements)
Product Categories: private tutoring
Cost: Rp. 1.200.000/ 100 $ - person/month.
Each month 8 times
Duration approximately 1,5 hour of Each meeting.
1. the place of exercise:
a. private pool in Jabodetabek Adjusting or
b. Services swimming pool Instructor in the area Call (DKI Jakarta, Serpong, Karawaci, Tangerang, Bintaro South) or adjust the
c. a public pool or customize
2. fees do not include entrance ticket to the swimming pool (pay yourself).
3. Costs paid in advance at the time of the first meeting.
4. Exercise Schedule in the initial agreement.
Noviyanto Ikhsan K, S.Pd
Whatsapp 0857 2739 1767 (Indosat)
Call/SMS 0823 2757 2371 (Telkomsel)
PIN BB 5211168A
PIN BB 5211168A
Email smartswimmingschool@gmail.com
Les dues can Pool in the transfer to the account number BSM (Bank Syariah Mandiri) 7046214425 a. n Noviyanto Ikhsan Khoirudin